How do you show appreciation and love for one of the hardest-working and most undervalued members of your “family” this Valentine’s Day? Buy them flowers? No. Take them out to a nice dinner? No there, too. What about buying them something nice like a bracelet or golf clubs? That would be strike three. If you want to show some love and care to one of the most active appliances in your household, keep reading for some creative ideas on how to show affection to you guessed it, your HVAC unit.
Don’t get us wrong, we hope your significant other takes good care of you on February 14th. As one of the most critical appliances in your household, the HVAC unit works tirelessly on a year-round basis, to keep you and your loved ones cozy and comfortable. So turn down the lights and put on the slow songs, because it’s time to show your HVAC unit some much-needed care.
To help in this process, follow these simple DIY steps that will shower your HVAC with the kind of love and maintenance it will appreciate.
A Clean HVAC Unit Is A Happy HVAC Unit
Have you ever noticed that icky gunk and debris that builds up underneath your unit’s pedestal? How about mud and dirt along around the vent areas? Treat your HVAC unit right this Valentine’s Day by keeping it clean. Granted, the colder February months may prevent you from firing up the water hose and cleaning the HVAC case off, but it’s a gesture that’s sure to be appreciated whenever the first warmer day allows it.
Be a Good Listener When Your HVAC Unit is Talking
Listening is the key to successful relationships, and this includes your home comfort system. Just like your significant other, if your HVAC unit is talking to you with random noises and pings, you would be wise to listen. Because if your air is being distributed quietly and efficiently, your HVAC unit is happy and practically unnoticeable when it runs.
GreenBox Home Services is Here to Make Your HVAC Relationship Right!
If, however, the unit is making noises you aren’t used to hearing, it’s trying to tell you something–it needs help, STAT! Don’t ignore the messages you’re receiving. If your HVAC unit has something to say, listen to it and call in a professional to help repair the relationship. Doing so will go a long way in keeping your system happy and performing the way you and your family expect it to.
While we aren’t relationship counselors in real life, our comfort team at GreenBox Home Services are industry experts at making sure your HVAC unit is performing to its optimum condition, thereby, saving you money.
Lastly, if after trying these steps to get your HVAC performing at its highest capacity and it still isn’t fulfilling its part of the “comfort” relationship, schedule an appointment online today, and we’ll do whatever we can to repair the situation. If you find the time has come to move on to another, we can help there, too… just as long as we’re talking about HVAC units.
Wishing you, your loved ones, and your HVAC unit a Happy and Comfy Valentine’s Day from GreenBox Home Services