Heating & Cooling, Indoor Air Quality
Set it and forget it — this feature makes it easy for Lexington homeowners to save energy with a programmable thermostat. While this is true for everyday use, you do need to make sure to adjust your temperature schedules for winter. If you haven’t already, take the time to reprogram your heating schedules today.
How to Reset a Programmable Thermostat
To reset your temperature schedules, there are a few methods you can use. You can perform a reset, which will wipe the thermostat clean of existing settings. This may not be necessary though; on many models, simply changing the thermostat over to heating mode will show you existing heating schedules, not keep you on the same cooling schedules from summertime. If your thermostat was installed new over the summer, you’ll need to set heating schedules now.
Adjusting Your Schedules
If you have existing heating temperatures schedules programmed from last season, take a look at these schedules and make sure they are still appropriate for your household. If work hours have changed, or you’d like to increase your heating energy savings, reevaluate these schedules and adjust them to meet your current needs.
Wintertime Setbacks
Keeping your home at 68 degrees when occupied this winter will keep you warm while saving you money. If this setting feels a little chilly to you or any other members of the household, try adding a layer of clothing or using a throw blanket while relaxing at home before cranking up the temperature.
The same setback suggestions that you use in the summer apply during wintertime. Setting your thermostat to automatically roll back the temperature 10 to 15 degrees when you’re sleeping or away can save you one percent on your energy bills for every degree the thermostat is set back for periods of eight or more hours.
If you need assistance resetting your programmable thermostat or would like to have a new unit installed, contact GreenBox Home Services in Lexington for professional guidance and installation.